Reconnect body and mind.
Ground yourself.
Transform your well-being.

Juliet offers life-affirming Vinyasa yoga classes. Her sessions ignite a transformative experience that will leave you feeling liberated, unperturbed and with a sense of peace and joy.

Her aspiration is for you to become more flexible, stronger, confident and, most importantly, provide you with a grounding to help you thrive in daily life.

Her classes help you move from fight or flight to rest and restore and she’ll ensure you feel energised, happier and rejuvenated.    

They will alleviate body pain, improve posture, relieve anxiety and allow you to have deeper more restorative sleep. 

Her carefully crafted sessions help the lymphatic system fight infection and boost your immune system. The emotional and spiritual aspects of her yoga practice will gently encourage you to make healthier lifestyle choices, which assist with weight loss and enable you to have a kinder relationship with your body. 


"I absolutely love Juliet's classes. They have brought me so much peace and calm whilst opening and strengthening my body in such a beautiful way. She is a wonderful teacher and I always feel in safe hands. I look forward to her classes every week."

— Emily Aitcheson


Juliet brings over twenty years of teaching experience as she gently guides you to breathe, stretch and feel your way to understand the very real connection between your mind, body and soul.  

Her primary focus is on ensuring you experience all the abundant benefits that this ancient and spiritual practice has to offer.

Juliet’s training as a dancer informs her approach and she brings a deep understanding of posture, alignment, line and grace. This ensures her sequences are focused on smooth transitions, which helps her students connect breath and movement, improving flow and making them feel centred. Her experience means she understands and works confidently with the body.  


Juliet loves seeing how yoga can radically improve the health and mental well being of her students. She takes real pleasure in watching and encouraging their progression and seeing how their lives are enhanced by the peace that yoga can give.

She takes time to ensure she fosters a group togetherness and sense of mutual  support and community. She’s frequently inspired by her students’ journeys and finds great pleasure in meeting and teaching new students.

Her clear and precise directions combine with her relaxed and light-hearted approach will enrich your well-being and help you find a sense of peace and joy.


How to work with Juliet

Group Classes | Workshops | 1:1 with Juliet

Group Classes

Come and join one of my small, local group classes in selected locations across East Sussex or live streamed via Zoom. Booking required.

S C H E D U L E :


9.00-10.00am Birchwood Studio


9.15-10.15am Live Stream with Juliet


9.15-10.15am Live Stream with Juliet


7.45-8.30am Camber Landing

9.00-10.00am Peasmarsh Memorial Hall

V E N U E S :

Birchwood Studio, Flimwell Park, TN5 7FJ

Oast House, Tillingham Wines, TN31 6XD 

Camber Landing, Camber, TN31 7RS

Peasmarsh Memorial Hall, Main Street, Peasmarsh, TN31 6YA


My courses run for 6 week blocks.

Please click on the booking links below to secure your spaces.

For all courses book here

For individual class Drop In’s please DM me.

Email me here

Live Stream class recording offered if you miss a class in the block.


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Gathered and Grounded Yoga Workshop

The Gathered and Grounded workshop aspiration is for you to become more flexible, stronger, confident and, most importantly, provide you with a grounding to help you thrive in daily life.

Juliet's workshop will help you move from fight or flight to rest and restore and she will ensure you will leave feeling energised, happier and rejuvenated.

Followed by  drinks & food at Tilligham.   


D A T E :  Tbc Autumn 2014

V E N U E : Tillingham Wines

C O S T : £25 for the Workshop

Book your place here >>>

1:1 Yoga

1:1 Yoga

10 Week Course
“Yoga for Transformation”

I N C L U D E S :

  • 10 x 1 hour 1:1 Bespoke yoga sessions live or via zoom

  • 15 minute zoom monthly catch up & check in call 

  • Monthly Yoga playlists

C O S T :
£70 first  1 hour session
£600 for 10 Week course

Book your one to one classes here >>>

 “Juliet is undoubtedly the best yoga teacher I've ever found.

Her lightness of touch and positivity while she teaches is always inspiring, and she is gentle and funny and cool with it (it's not that kind of strident positivity that has irritated me with some other teachers!). She leaves her ego at the door, doesn’t judge and you know that she is looking out for you and your body. Her zoom lessons really saved my soul during lockdown and I have never ever finished a class of hers without feeling like I have been rebooted and had some genuine tlc. Juliet is generous, diligent in her teaching, stylish and lovely to be around. Because of all of the above…

I have stuck with my twice weekly classes with her for over a year and so, for the first time in my life, I have stuck with yoga (yey!) which has given me innumerable benefits.
In short, Juliet is a brilliant teacher, and anyone who gets to be taught by her is incredibly lucky."

— Fanny Johnstone, Artist

View more kind words…

“Juliet’s classes are absolutely fantastic. Her class at Holmhurst is so peaceful in amongst the bamboo and creates such a relaxing atmosphere. Her classes are well designed for all levels. As a trained dancer I have a bit of experience with yoga so she will adapt the movements to challenge me (thanks Juliet!) and vis versa for beginners. Very knowledgeable in her field and brings a great vibe to class. Plus the music during class is great!!! I always feel more tuned in with a class when the background music is good.

I leave feeling stretched, zen and less stressed.” 

— Francessco Grando, Director Hastings Contemporary School of Dance


“I’ve gone to group classes and one on one and I highly recommended both.

She adapts to your abilities and still pushes you at the same time. Her directions are precise so you’re not looking up to check you’re doing the right thing. Juliet is very observant - even during the online zoom classes - and is constantly checking you are in the correct position. Both her studio and zoom classes are fantastic. Plus she is a genuinely lovely and thoughtful person. Juliet is a fantastic yoga teacher who has a very calming presence, she is super welcoming, very attentive, patient and compassionate teacher.” 

 — Fatima  Ouanssaidi, Director Onpoint PR

“I am having a great experience working with Juliet. She’s really listened to what I wanted as well as gauged my needs. I really feeling like I am progressing with my yoga practice.”  

— Claire Husband, Psychologist

“I look forward to every one of Juliet’s classes. They are the perfect balance between challenging and nurturing. They are making a huge difference to my mental health and strength. She is attentive and even on zoom is able to correct my postures and I feel I’m constantly improving. I’m not sure I’m ever going back to face to face classes now!” 

— Diene Petterle, TV Executive

“As a newcomer to yoga I was apprehensive about doing a yoga class. Juliet was friendly and welcoming which put me at ease. Her teaching is clear and easy to follow. She takes time to show adaptions to each pose depending on our experience. Her enthusiasm and positivity is inspiring. Juliet gives time for each member of the class, offering advice on your yoga poses and practice.

Before I started Juliet's classes I was smoking and not taking care of myself. Doing her yoga classes regularly has given me a sense of calm as well as greater awareness of my physical health. The benefits have been life changing, I have given up smoking and am eating better.

Each week I look forward to being part of her class. Taking part in an online group activity during the Covid pandemic has helped me feel connected and improved my sense of wellbeing. I would recommend trying her class to see the benefits.” 

 — Greig Angrove, Executive Coach

“After my first class with Juliet I knew I'd return and I've now been practicing for six months in her class. I love loads of stuff about it. She has absolute verbal clarity in her direction, she's kind and warm in her approach and there's no sense of being judged. She generates a real group togetherness in her sessions, which is both supportive and light-hearted. I feel much stronger and flexible since I started attending and my interest in Yoga and the meditative benefits has grown. Taking her class has made a big difference to my life - so I can't think of any higher praise than that really!

After each class I feel really set up for the day - peaceful and energised. ”  

— Tom Mitchelson, Author

“Juliet is a fantastic yoga teacher. She is calm, clear and patient, enthusiastic and good-humoured, and inspires trust and dedication. I cannot now imagine life without her classes!”  

— Flora Dennis, University Lecturer

“I have been enjoying lessons with Juliet for 2 months and what a difference she has made to my life.

Previously struggling with Fibromyalgia - complicated by lockdown weight gain - I can now do all the things I want to do. And body shape has changed which is wonderful. My only question is to myself - why didn’t I do this before?

— Chris, NHS Nurse

“Juliette's yoga teaching has been a wonderful experience for me. She has shown a deep understanding of my health limitations as I have ME/CFS, so that I feel a sense of achievement after a session and I am building strength and flexibility back at the right pace.

Juliette listens to what works for my body and has tailored our sessions to this. It has been the start of getting my health back, mind body and soul. Thank you!”

— Laura

“Can I just say how Brilliant you are and how much you’ve helped me already after 3 sessions, and how on a Monday, I was literally in the best mood ever after our session. I didn’t realise Yoga could do that, so thank you. Feeling blessed!

— Niki

"I absolutely love Juliet's classes, they have brought me so much peace and calm whilst opening and strengthening my body in such a beautiful way. She is such a wonderful teacher and I always feel in such safe hands.

I look forward to her classes every week."

— Emily Aitcheson